Voting Resources

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote

Great information on how to register to vote, how to check your voter status, how to request an absentee ballot, and how the voting process works in different states. Go to and select the state you reside in, either where you go to school or your permanent address, to find more information.

Pledge or pre-register

If you are a Washington resident between the ages of 13-15 you can go to and pledge to register when you’re 18. If you are 16 or older, you can go to and pre-register to vote through the #FutureVoter program.

Who’s running in my district?

Visit, where you can learn about your current elected officials under “My Elected Officials.” Also, if you go to “Current Election” then “Voter’s Guide,” you can find all the candidates currently running in your district, their bios, and a link to their campaign website.

Where can I vote?

For those who don’t have access to mail or a permanent address (or have a non-traditional address), you can still cast your vote in person. You can visit and go to “Current Election” then “Voting Centers,” where you can find your county’s
official voting center. Forms of acceptable ID include: drivers license, student ID, tribal ID, state ID, or employer ID.

Can zombies vote? (not in Pierce County)